Test Inglese – B2 Post Intermedio – step 2

Test di Inglese
Liv. B2 Post Intermedio
Step 2

Scegli l'alternativa corretta per completare la frase
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1. He ……………… on his own, so he had problems when he moved out of his parents’ house.
2. It’s a pity you didn’t come with us. You ……………… a good time.
3. They ……………… up in the bedroom by a professional decorator.
4. I don’t think I can meet your ……………… Could I have a few more days to do it in?
5. Let’s go out tonight, ………………?
6. You can borrow this book ……………… you’re careful with it.
7. If she hadn’t been so angry, she ……………… a little more diplomatically.
8. Don’t tell me! I know the answer. It’s …………
9. She …………… pleased when she heard she wasn’t going to get the promotion after all
10. Are you ill? You look like death …………
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